Mempelajari Mutu Organoleptik dan Kadar Zat Besi (Fe) Cookies Dengan Penambahan Serbuk Daun Kelor (Moringa Oleifera)

Imanuddin, Imanuddin (2013) Mempelajari Mutu Organoleptik dan Kadar Zat Besi (Fe) Cookies Dengan Penambahan Serbuk Daun Kelor (Moringa Oleifera). Jurnal Penelitian "Health Information", 5 (1). pp. 1-88. ISSN 2085-0840

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Backgrounds: Moringa leaf is a lerbaceou plott species tlrdt contains a lot of iron. Moringa leaf has been more widely used as a livingfence, a vegetable and tditional medicine. The ddition o! Moringa le$ powder in cookies is one wdy to improve the quolity of the cookies in pqrticulo in terms of the levels of iron @e) Cookies are kind of snacks are favored by people with an average of 0.40 kg/capita/year. Obkctives: This reseoch aims to study the organoleptic qul@ and levels of iron @e) cooHes with lhe addition of Moringa leaf powder. Melhob: This research included in the Pre - Experimental studies, curied out in three stages. The first phase, canied oul 3 samples -making cooHes that each lrave additional concentration of different Moringa leaf powder k 25%, 50%, ad 75%. Based on the lest results received, the three prduc* cookies ue not accepted by panelists from all lhe allributes (color, Jlavor, aroma, and texture). The second phose of the study somple was making 15 cookies, which is a combinalion of cookies fifieenth sanple of Moringa leaf powder concentrdion and processing. Based on the test results recetved, shows cookies with the addition of 5% moringa leaf powder with a longer steaming the leaves of Moringa + l0 minutes @1), the most accepted by the panelists based on all the attribdes (color, flavor, oomq ad textwe). The third phase of the research done making cookies 2 products one of which is the contol cooHes (F). Resuhs: Nonparametric Test Results Tets (Binomial) showed no difference in tlu organoleptic quality of the sanple cookies (Fd t4ith the contol cookes (F6). Resuks of analysis of iron conlent (Fe) shows the sample cookies (F rc) has a higher iron content thon the control cookies (Fl, where iron levels cookies control (F) only reached 13.76 mgwhile the sample cookies (FQ to 24,52 mg. Suggestion: The auhor suggests that in tle monufacture of cookies, you should use the additional teatment of Moringa leaf powder, Moringa leaf where previously steamed for l0 minutes, the concentration of a given Moringa le$ powder is 5%o, atd the need to con&rc| l her research that examines the efects ofprocessing on levels of protein and Yitamin C cookies with the addition of Moringa leafpowder. Keywords: Recetve Power, Cookies, Moringa leaves, iron (Fe).

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Receive Power, Cookies, Moringa leaves, iron (Fe).
Subjects: R Medicine > RN Nutrition
Divisions: Jurnal > Jurnal Gizi
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 14 Jun 2021 23:59
Last Modified: 14 Jun 2021 23:59

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